What are you looking at?

This site hasn’t even launched yet so I don’t know what you’re doing poking around here. Not that you’re not welcome now but I’m launching Friday, December 18th, 2020. But since you ended up here, feel free to sniff around and let me know what you think. Especially if you find typos. Or things on the site that just don’t work or don’t make sense. I’m not sure what direction the blog page will take or if it will even stick around. But it seems like it might be good to have a section where it’s possible to have a conversation through online comments. I’m always up for a good chat about all things creative and so I’ll try and populate this page with provocative things that can stimulate our thinking about creativity, the creative process, and shiny new creative things. One week to go…

Visionified: Steve Tatham

Steve Tatham is a widely-recognized leader in the field of theme park design where he has spent his career dreaming up magic for Walt Disney Imagineering and Universal Creative. He has led teams from Osaka to Orlando and is known for his “Creative Inspiration” talks which have ignited the creativity of colleagues and others lucky enough to hear them for more than ten years. He is now sharing secrets learned from his vast experience. He can show you how to adapt techniques and processes learned from two of the most creative companies to have ever brought to life innovative entertainment for generations of delighted guests. He is available to give an entertaining and inspiring keynote address, a focused intimate workshop to bring the most out of your ideas and longer-term consulting to work with you on the details of your concept and pitch to make sure your ideas reaches its highest potential.


And so it begins…